Contact Us
Avon Co-operative Bank proudly serves Avon, Massashusetts and its surrounding communities. We welcome your inquiry. During normal business hours your email will be answered within 24 hours. Emails sent on weekends or holidays will be answered the following business day.
Phone: 508-586-1355 E-mail: Talk to the President
Comments,Suggestions, Etc.
Fax: 508-941-6676   General Inquiries
Visit Us: 1 East Main Street   Mortgages/Loans
  Avon, MA 02322   Business Banking
  Mapquest Logo    

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Please note this e-mail is not a secure connection. For your protection, please do not email personal or account information such as account numbers, social security numbers, passwords, PINS, or similar information. If you need assistance that requires communication of such information, please call 508-586-1355 and speak directly with an Avon Co-operative Bank representative.